Chapter 6 - History, Nutrient Transport | Unit-III - Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management

Chapter 6 

Unit-III - Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management

History of soil fertility & plant nutrition, criteria of essentiality, role, deficiency, & toxicity symptoms of essential plant nutrients,
Mechanisms of nutrient transport to plants,
Factors affecting nutrient availability to plants.
Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management

History of soil fertility

The history of soil fertility management can be traced back to ancient times. Early civilizations recognized the importance of soil fertility for agricultural productivity and developed various methods to maintain soil fertility.

One of the earliest known soil fertility management practices was the use of manure. Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans used animal manure to fertilize their crops. They also practiced crop rotation, a technique where different crops were grown in different fields in a particular sequence to maintain soil fertility.

During the medieval period, a technique called fallowing was commonly used to restore soil fertility. In this method, a field was left uncultivated for a period of time to allow the soil to rest and recover its nutrients.

In the 18th century, the chemist Justus von Liebig discovered that plants require specific nutrients for their growth, and that the absence of any one of these nutrients can limit plant growth. This led to the development of artificial fertilizers that could supply the necessary nutrients to plants.

In the early 20th century, the soil scientist Sir Albert Howard developed the concept of organic farming, which emphasized the use of organic materials such as compost and green manure to maintain soil fertility.

Today, soil fertility management is a critical component of sustainable agriculture. Farmers use a variety of techniques to maintain soil fertility, including the use of organic and inorganic fertilizers, crop rotation, cover cropping, and conservation tillage. The goal of these practices is to maintain the health of the soil, maximize crop yields, and reduce environmental impacts.

History of plant nutrition

The history of plant nutrition can be traced back to the early 19th century when the concept of plant nutrition was first proposed. Before this time, it was believed that plants grew by absorbing nutrients from the soil in which they were planted. However, experiments conducted by several scientists showed that plants required specific nutrients for their growth, and that the absence of any one of these nutrients could limit plant growth.

In 1840, the German chemist Julius von Sachs conducted experiments that showed that plants required nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for their growth. He also discovered that plants could absorb nutrients through their roots.

In 1850, the English chemist John Bennet Lawes and his collaborator Joseph Henry Gilbert established the world's first agricultural research station at Rothamsted in England. They conducted experiments that showed the importance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for crop growth. They also developed the first commercial fertilizer, known as superphosphate, which was made by treating bones with sulfuric acid.

In the early 20th century, the soil scientist Sir Albert Howard developed the concept of organic farming, which emphasized the importance of maintaining soil health through the use of organic materials such as compost and green manure.

In the 1920s and 1930s, the American plant physiologist Frederick Black discovered the role of trace elements in plant nutrition. He found that plants required small amounts of certain elements such as iron, zinc, and manganese for their growth.

Today, plant nutrition is an important area of research, and scientists continue to study the complex interactions between plants and their environment. Plant nutrition is critical for the production of healthy crops, and the development of new fertilizers and nutrient management strategies is essential for sustainable agriculture.

Criteria of essentiality

The criteria of essentiality are a set of guidelines used to determine whether a particular nutrient is essential for plant growth. There are several criteria of essentiality that have been established by plant physiologists and soil scientists over the years, including:

  1. The nutrient must be required for the completion of the life cycle of the plant: This means that the plant cannot complete its life cycle without the nutrient, and the absence of the nutrient must result in a failure to complete the life cycle.
  2. The nutrient must be directly involved in plant metabolism: The nutrient must be involved in essential metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, and protein synthesis.
  3. The nutrient cannot be replaced by any other element: The nutrient must be unique in its ability to perform its essential function in plant metabolism and cannot be replaced by any other element.
  4. The nutrient must be essential for a wide range of plants: The nutrient must be essential for the growth and development of a wide range of plant species and not just a few.
  5. The response to the nutrient must be specific and characteristic: The nutrient must produce a specific response in plants that is characteristic of that nutrient.
  6. The deficiency of the nutrient must be corrected by supplying the nutrient: If a plant is deficient in the nutrient, the deficiency must be corrected by supplying the nutrient.

By using these criteria, scientists can determine whether a particular nutrient is essential for plant growth and development. This information is critical for developing fertilizers and nutrient management strategies that can improve crop yields and promote sustainable agriculture.

Role, deficiency, & toxicity symptoms of essential plant nutrients

Here are the roles, deficiency symptoms, and toxicity symptoms of some of the essential plant nutrients:

1. Nitrogen (N):

  • RoleNitrogen is a key component of amino acids, nucleic acids, and chlorophyll. It is essential for plant growth and development. 
  • Deficiency symptomsYellowing of the leaves (chlorosis), stunted growth, reduced yield. 
  • Toxicity symptomsExcessive vegetative growth, delayed maturity, reduced yield.

2. Phosphorus (P): 

  • Role: Phosphorus is essential for root development, energy transfer, and the formation of nucleic acids and phospholipids. 
  • Deficiency symptoms: Stunted growth, dark green leaves, purplish discoloration of leaves, reduced yield. 
  • Toxicity symptoms: Reduced growth and yield, root damage, decreased micronutrient uptake.

3. Potassium (K): 

  • Role: Potassium is involved in the regulation of water balance, enzyme activation, and protein synthesis. It also plays a role in the transport of sugars and other nutrients in plants. 
  • Deficiency symptoms: Chlorosis, necrosis, wilting, reduced yield. 
  • Toxicity symptoms: Reduced growth and yield, reduced nutrient uptake, salt iinjury

4. Magnesium (Mg): 

  • Role: Magnesium is essential for the formation of chlorophyll and for energy transfer within the plant. 
  • Deficiency symptoms: Interveinal chlorosis, stunted growth, reduced yield. 
  • Toxicity symptoms: Reduced growth and yield, reduced nutrient uptake, leaf necrosis.

5. Iron (Fe): 

  • Role: Iron is essential for the formation of chlorophyll and for enzyme activity. 
  • Deficiency symptoms: Interveinal chlorosis, stunted growth, reduced yield. 
  • Toxicity symptoms: Reduced growth and yield, reduced nutrient uptake, leaf necrosis.

6. Zinc (Zn): 

  • Role: Zinc is essential for the formation of chlorophyll and for enzyme activity. 
  • Deficiency symptoms: Stunted growth, chlorosis, reduced yield. 
  • Toxicity symptoms: Reduced growth and yield, reduced nutrient uptake, leaf necrosis.

These are just a few examples of essential plant nutrients and their roles, deficiency symptoms, and toxicity symptoms. It is important to note that the symptoms can vary depending on the plant species and the severity of the deficiency or toxicity. It is also important to maintain a proper balance of nutrients in the soil to promote optimal plant growth and health.


Mechanisms of nutrient transport to plants,

Absorption of plant Nutrients
1. By roots
2. By leaves

Plants require a variety of nutrients to grow and develop properly, including macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micronutrients like iron and zinc. These nutrients must be obtained from the soil and transported into the plant's tissues for use in metabolic processes. There are several mechanisms of nutrient transport to plants, including:

  1. Diffusion: Nutrients can move into the plant's root system by diffusion, which is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Nutrients in the soil are constantly being dissolved in water and are available in higher concentrations near the root surface. By diffusion, the nutrients move from areas of high concentration in the soil to areas of low concentration in the root system.
  2. Mass flow: Water and nutrients can also be taken up by the plant through mass flow, which is the movement of water and dissolved nutrients from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. When the plant actively transports ions into the root, it creates a negative charge in the root, which draws in positively charged ions from the surrounding soil. This creates a flow of nutrients from the soil to the plant, driven by the flow of water.
  3. Root interception: As the root system grows and expands, it can physically intercept and absorb nutrients from the soil. This process is especially important for immobile nutrients like phosphorus, which does not move easily through the soil. The root system actively searches for nutrients in the soil and can absorb them through root hairs and other structures.
  4. Mycorrhizae: Mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with the plant's roots, forming structures called arbuscules that increase the surface area of the root system and enhance nutrient uptake. The fungi can access nutrients in the soil that are otherwise inaccessible to the plant and transport them into the root system.
  5. Foliar uptake: In some cases, nutrients can be absorbed through the plant's leaves or other above-ground structures. This is especially important for micronutrients that may be present in low concentrations in the soil. Foliar uptake can be facilitated by spraying the plant with a nutrient solution or by using fertilizers that are absorbed through the leaves.

In summary, nutrient transport to plants involves a complex interplay of physical and biological processes, including diffusion, mass flow, root interception, mycorrhizal associations, and foliar uptake. Understanding these mechanisms is important for developing effective nutrient management strategies that promote optimal plant growth and health.

Factors affecting nutrient availability to plants

Several factors can affect the availability of nutrients to plants, including:

  1. Soil pH: Soil pH can have a significant impact on nutrient availability. Most plant nutrients are most available to plants when the soil pH is between 6.0 and 7.5. However, some nutrients, such as iron and manganese, are more available to plants in acidic soils (pH less than 6.0), while others, such as calcium and magnesium, are more available in alkaline soils (pH greater than 7.5).
  2. Soil texture: Soil texture refers to the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay in the soil. Soils with a high clay content tend to hold onto nutrients more tightly, making them less available to plants. In contrast, sandy soils tend to have lower nutrient retention, which can lead to leaching and nutrient loss.
  3. Organic matter content: Soil organic matter plays an important role in nutrient availability, as it can act as a source of nutrients and improve soil structure and water-holding capacity. Organic matter can also help to release nutrients from minerals in the soil through the process of mineralization.
  4. Soil moisture: The availability of nutrients to plants is also affected by soil moisture levels. Nutrient uptake by plants is most efficient when the soil is moist but not waterlogged. In dry soils, nutrient uptake may be limited due to reduced root activity, while in waterlogged soils, oxygen availability may be limited, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies.
  5. Soil temperature: Soil temperature can also affect nutrient availability, as it can influence soil biological activity, mineralization rates, and plant root growth. Most plant nutrients are more available in warm soils, while cold soils can limit nutrient uptake and plant growth.
  6. Soil compaction: Soil compaction can limit root growth and reduce nutrient uptake by plants. Compacted soils can also reduce water infiltration and retention, which can further limit nutrient availability.
  7. Nutrient interactions: The availability of one nutrient can be influenced by the presence or absence of other nutrients. For example, excessive applications of nitrogen can limit the uptake of phosphorus and vice versa. Similarly, high levels of one nutrient can lead to a deficiency of another nutrient if it is taken up in excess.

In summary, several factors can affect the availability of nutrients to plants, including soil pH, texture, organic matter content, moisture levels, temperature, compaction, and nutrient interactions. Understanding these factors is important for developing effective nutrient management strategies that promote optimal plant growth and health.

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